11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Talk

Electroweak and Flavor Physics

A fully differential SMEFT analysis of the golden channel using the Method of Moments



Primary authors


The Method of Moments is a powerful framework to disentangle the relative contributions of amplitudes of a specific process to its various phase space regions. We apply this method to carry out a fully differential analysis of the Higgs decay channel $h \rightarrow 4\ell$ and constrain gauge-Higgs coupling modifications parameterised by dimension-six effective operators. We find that this analysis approach provides very good constraints and minimises degeneracies in the parameter space of the effective theory. By combining the decay $h \rightarrow 4\ell$ with Higgs-associated production processes, $Wh$ and $Zh$, we obtain the strongest reported bounds on anomalous gauge-Higgs couplings.

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