Altas Energías

Causal representation of physical observables through the Loop-Tree Duality

by Dr. Roger José Hernández Pinto (FCFM, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa)

Wednesday, 17 March 2021 from to (Mexico/General)
at ICN-UNAM ( Seminario virtual vía Zoom )
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High precision observables require the computation of integrals in
the Feynman representation. Since theoretical predictions are becoming
complicated due to the appearance of multiple singularities in the
intermediate steps, several groups are working to find algorithms to compute
physical quantities in a more efficient way. 
In this talk, we will present one of the efforts based on the Loop-Tree
Duality theorem. We will show that in this framework, non physical
singularities are absent and only physical singularities remain at any loop
level. Finally, we demonstrate that this representation, so-called causal
representation, can help to build cross-sections in 4-dimensions based on
the Four-Dimensional Unsubtraction method.

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