Simon Eidelman (1948-2021) We dedicate this meeting to the memory of Simon Eidelman, who was a fundamental and enthusiastic participant in this CHARM conference series and was -unfortunately- unable to attend this workshop. We ended the event wishing having him back in the next CHARM conference in Shanghai, and it is terribly sad to realize now this will not be possible.
We will deeply miss a dear friend, an outstanding physicist, and a wonderful person. Always beautifully smiling and willing to help, specially the youngest.
As a registered participant, you should have received an e-mail with the Zoom connection details. If this is not the case, please tell us immediately.
The 10th International Workshop on CHARM Physics will finally take place from May the 31st to June the 4th, 2021. Sadly, in-person conference will not be possible. It will be online via UNAM's Zoom.
Further updates will be posted here and e-mailed to the participants immediately.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
The 'CHARM2020' LOC
--------------------The following message notified the event being delayed-------------
Concerning the coronavirus outbreak:
Dear Colleagues,
The status of the COVID-19 pandemic makes holding CHARM20 next May impossible. We are monitoring the situation closely, and we are in contact with officials at the National Autonomous University and Cinvestav regarding the situation in Mexico City and at Universum, the conference venue. If things improve fast enough we may still celebrate the conference next October. Otherwise it can be delayed until May 2021. If any attendant arrives in the original dates (18-22 May), please contact us so that seminars/colloquia/lectures can be arranged at Cinvestav and UNAM if possible (now both are officially locked down). We will post updates as soon as possible.
Deadlines will be extended according to the new dates (either five months or twelve months, depending on CHARM20 being in mid October 2020 or in mid May 2021).
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
The CHARM 2020 LOC
-----------The information below was the original one--------------------
The International Conference CHARM 2020 will be held in Mexico City, Mexico, from May 18 to May 22, 2020, hosted by UNIVERSUM, the science museum of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
The purpose of the CHARM 2020 Workshop is to bring together particle and nuclear physicists working in the field related to physics of the charm quark to discuss recent results in this area, including the impact on and from theory as well as projections for results to be expected from upcoming experimental facilities.
Scientific Program
This year's conference will cover the following topics:
Charm facilities - Status and future
Charmed meson and baryon spectroscopy
Production of charm and charmonia
Hidden and open charm in media
Light hadronic spectroscopy from decays of charm and charmonia
Leptonic, semileptonic, radiative and rare charm decays (including new physics scenarios for charm decays)
D oscillations and CP violation
Tau lepton physics
Invited Special talk:
- Luciano Maiani 'The GIM mechanism: The beginning of the November revolution'
Confirmed invited plenary speakers:
- Geoff Bodwin 'Charmonium production'
- Eric Braaten 'Exotics interpretation'
- Roy Briere 'Charm and XYZ Prospects at Belle II'
- Jolanta Brodzicka 'HFLAV-charm'
- Angelo Carbone 'CPV and oscillations in the charm sector at LHCb'
- Melissa Cruz 'Charm spectroscopy from amplitude analyses in B(s) decays @ LHCb'
- Sean Dobbs 'Charm @ GLUEX'
- Aida El-Khadra 'Decay constants, form factors and R_D* on the lattice'
- Jürgen Engelfried 'SELEX charmed baryon lifetimes measurements' (cancelled)
- Matteo Fael 'Heavy quark expansion for inclusive semileptonic charm decays'
- Svetlana Fajfer 'Rare semileptonic charm D decays and possible new physics in charm'
- Shuangshi Fang 'Light hadron spectroscopy at BES-III'
- Marianna Fontana 'Overview and prospects for charm rare decays at LHCb'
- Pol Bernard Gossiaux 'Charm in media (theory)'
- Feng-Kun Guo 'Status of X(3872)'
- Alex Kagan 'CPV in charm'
- Tatiana Kharlamova 'Charm @ KEDR'
- Alexander Khodjamirian 'Direct CP Violation in charm decays'
- Andrzej Kupsc 'Polarization & CPV in hyperon decays'
- Longke Li 'Charm at Belle'
- Alberto Lusiani 'Tau Physics @ SCTF (experimental perspective)'
- Andrew Lytle 'm_c (m_b) from lattice QCD'
- Xiao-Rui Lyu 'Charmed baryon decays @ BES-III'
- Padmanath Madanagopalan 'Charm (and bottom) baryons and charmonium excitations from the lattice'
- Patricia Magalhaes 'Dalitz plot analyses in D -> 3 h decays @ LHCb'
- Pere Masjuan 'm_c (m_b) determinations'
- Jhovanny Mejía 'CMS charm'
- Mikhail Mikhasenko 'Charm hadron spectroscopy @ LHCb'
- Clara Murgui 'Current anomalies in semileptonic B decays into charm: global EFT analyses'
- Roberto Mussa 'Charmonium and XYZ at Belle'
- Frank Nerling 'Charm physics with PANDA'
- Emilie Passemar 'Tau Physics at a super-charm-tau factory'
- Ayan Paul 'Impact of flavor breaking on CPV in D decays'
- Daniel A. Pérez 'Discovery of the B_c(2S) and B_c*(2S) states'
- Alessandro Pilloni 'Amplitude analyses for charm searches'
- Alexis Pompili 'Reliably estimating the statistical significance of a new signal by exploiting GPUs'
- Jonas Rademacker 'PDG status for charm'
- Ralf Rapp 'Charmonium in media (theory)'
- Stefan Schacht 'CPV in charm'
- Enrico Scomparin 'Charmonium experimental overview'.
- Xioyan Shen 'Charm @ BES-III'
- Tomasz Skwarnicki 'Exotics'
- Christopher Thomas 'Charm mesons on the lattice'
- Barbara Trzeciak 'Open charm experimental overview'
- Antonio Vairo 'EFTs for charmonium'
- Vitaly Vorobiev 'SCTF in Novosibirsk'
- Xiao Rong Zhou 'SCTF (HIEPA)'
International Advisory Committee:
Alex Bondar (BINP, Novosibirsk)
Nora Brambilla (Technical U. Munich)
Tom Browder (Hawaii U.)
Angelo Carbone (Bologna U.)
Christine Davies (Glasgow U.)
Ignacio de Bediaga (CBPF Rio)
Marco Gersabeck (Manchester U.)
Carla Gobel (PUC Rio)
Yuval Grossman (Cornell U.)
Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab)
Alexander Lenz (Durham U.)
Hai-Bo Li (IHEP, Beijing)
Ryan Mitchell (Indiana U., Bloomington)
Mikihiko Nakao (KEK, Tsukuba)
Steve Olsen (Seoul National U.)
Pavel Pakhlov (Lebedev Institute)
Antimo Palano (Bari Univ.)
Chris Parkes (Manchester Univ.)
Klaus Peters (GSI, Darmstadt)
Alexey Petrov (Wayne Univ., Detroit)
Toni Pich (Valencia Univ.)
Ramona Vogt (LLNL and U. of California, Davis)
Ulrich Wiedner (Bochum U.)
Guy Wilkinson (U. of Oxford)
Bruce Yabsley (Sydney U.)
Zhengguo Zhao (USTC, Hefei)
Yangheng Zheng (UCAS, Beijing)
Local Organizing Committee:
José Benítez (Sonora Univ.)
Heriberto Castilla (Cinvestav)
Eduard de la Cruz Burelo (Cinvestav)
David Delepine (DCI-Guanajuato)
Jens Erler (PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence, INP, Mainz)
César Fernández Ramírez (ICN-UNAM)
Iván Heredia de la Cruz(Cinvestav)
Gabriel López Castro (Cinvestav)
Pablo Roig (Cinvestav, chair)
Alberto Sánchez (Cinvestav)
Genaro Toledo (IF-UNAM)
Picture in the heading: Section of the Southern Wall Mural by Juan O’Gorman,
Central Library, Central Campus, UNAM. ©UNAM