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from 31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021
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Radiative and Rare Charm Decays at BESIII


  • Jingzhi ZHANG

Primary authors


In this talk we present the latest results on radiative and rare/forbidden decays for D and D_s mesons from the BESIII experiment based on 2.92 fb^{-ˆ’1} and 3.19 fb^{-1} data samples taken at the center-of-mass energies 3.773 and 4.178 GeV, respectively. With the 4.178 GeV data, searches for the rare decay D^+_S\to p\bar{p}e^+\nu_e and rare radiative leptonic decay D_S^+\to\gamma e^+\nu_e are performed for the first time, both with negative results; branching fraction (BF) upper limits (ULs) are at 90\% confidence levels (CL) will be reported. With the 3.773 GeV dataset, we search for the rare decays D\to h(h^\prime)e^+e^- with a double tag method, where h(^\prime) are different hadrons. No significant excesses over the expected backgrounds are observed. For D^+ decays, the searches are performed for the first time, while for D^0 decays, the ULs are in general improved by an order of magnitude compared to previous measurements. All of the BF ULs are in the 10^{-5~-6} range and above SM predictions that include both long- and short-distance contributions. Also, we searched for signs of a Majorana neutrino in the lepton number violating (LNV) decays D\to K\pi e^+e^+. No significant signal is observed. Effects of Majorana neutrinos with different mass assumptions that range from 0.25 to 1.0 GeV are searched for in the decays D^0\to K^-e^+\nu_N(\pi^-e^+) and D^+\to K^0_Se^+\nu_N(\pi^-e^+). Constraints on the mixing-matrix element |V_{eN}|^2 are also evaluated.