from 31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021
Mexico/General timezone
Thanks for your contribution to the success of this workshop!!
Light Front Distribution Amplitudes of Heavy Mesons and Quarkonia
- Dr. Fernando SERNA
Primary authors
- Dr. Fernando SERNA (Cruzeiro do Sul University)
- Prof. Bruno EL-BENNICH (Cruzeiro do Sul University)
- Dr. Javier COBOS-MARTINEZ (Universidad de Sonora)
- Eduardo ROJAS PEÑA (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares (UNAM))
The ladder kernel of the Bethe-Salpeter equation is amended by introducing a different flavor dependence of the dressing functions
in the heavy-quark sector. Compared with earlier work this allows for the simultaneous calculation of the mass spectrum and leptonic decay
constants of light pseudoscalar mesons, the D_u, D_s, B_u, B_s and B_c mesons and the heavy quarkonia \eta_c and \eta_b
within the same framework at a physical pion mass. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes are projected onto the light front and we reconstruct
the distribution amplitudes of the mesons in the full theory.