from 31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021
Mexico/General timezone
Thanks for your contribution to the success of this workshop!!
Revisiting the Charm-meson lifetimes
- Dr. Aleksey RUSOV
Primary authors
- Dr. Aleksey RUSOV (University of Siegen)
- Mr. Christos VLAHOS (IPPP, Durham)
- Prof. Alexander LENZ (University of Siegen)
- Dr. Thomas RAUH (University of Bern)
- Ms. Maria Laura PISCOPO (University of Siegen)
- Mr. Daniel KING (IPPP, Durham)
In this talk, I plan to present preliminary results of updated SM predictions
for charm-meson lifetimes, their ratios and also the semileptonic decay widths,
based on the Heavy Quark Expansion (HQE).
In addition to the known contributions, for the first time we include the dimension-six
Darwin term for non-leptonic charm decays and the first determinations of
the dimension-six Bag parameters from HQET Sum Rules, including so-called eye-contractions
and m_s-corrections for the case of the D_s^+ meson.
The predicted observables are found in agreement with the experimental data
though within very large theoretical uncertainties.
Future prospects on the theory improvement are also planned to be briefly discussed