7-11 November 2017
Museo de la Luz
Mexico/General timezone

This is an exciting period in hadron spectroscopy. Electron-positron collider experiments BaBar and Belle have produced unexpected surprises in the heavy flavor sector, while data on hadron targets of unprecedented statistics have been taken in experiments at CERN by COMPASS and LHCb allowing a search for smaller signals for long sought light and heavy resonances. Even more data is to come in the years ahead from CLAS12 and GlueX at Jefferson Lab, and PANDA at FAIR beyond that. The clear identification of states predicted by QCD, in which gluons contribute to their spin and parity is the goal of the JLab experiments. A deeper understanding of the dynamics of confinement that binds constituents to make the rich variety of hadrons that have (and will be) observed is the aim. The identification and detailed examination of short-lived states require analysis tools of a precision that matches the data to come. At this workshop, progress made over the past year will be reviewed. The goal is then to set out the direction for future analysis projects within the wider hadron physics community. This workshop is intended to be interactive, with all participants contributing to discussions on the topics of the meeting. There will be a few formal presentations each day.

The first edition of this workshop was hold at Jefferson Lab in 2014 https://www.jlab.org/conferences/fdsa2014/

Selected Topics:

Amplitude Analysis for Hadron Reactions,

Hadron Spectroscopy,

Lattice Predictions for Masses and Decays,

Hadronic Amplitudes for Beyond Standard Model Physics,

Regge Phenomenology,

Three-Body Decays, Quark Models,

Effective QCD Models

Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks, Exotics, Molecular States and Glueballs

Physics at BaBar, Belle, BES III, CLAS12, CMS, COMPASS, GlueX, LHCb and PANDA

Hadron Physics Through Schwinger-Dyson Equations

In general, topics of interest to the Hadron Physics Community Conference

Fee: 6000 MXN (approx. 275 USD)

Starts 7 Nov 2017 08:00
Ends 11 Nov 2017 21:00
Museo de la Luz
Full info on the workshop: http://epistemia.nucleares.unam.mx/web?name=FDSA2017