11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
Home > Registration


Registration opening day: 26 March 2021
Registration deadline: 08 May 2021

Registration Fee (voluntary):
Students: 200 MXN 
Postdocs and professors: 400 MXN

Participants are encouraged to pay the SMF membership: https://www.smf.mx/requisitos-para-ser-socio/
Total costs are as follows:
Students:  $987.50 MXN  or  $1,113.50 MXN with IVA included,
Postdocs and Professor:  $1,975 MXN  or  $2,227 MXN with IVA included.

Payments can be made by bank transfer to either of the following accounts:

Número de cuenta: 1866151
Sucursal: 349
Referencia: RADPyC2021
Nombre: Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A.C.
CLABE: 002180034918661519

Número de cuenta: 65506284898
Referencia: RADPyC2021
Nombre: Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A.C.
CLABE: 014180655062848985
Possible actions you can carry out: