8-13 December 2014
Las Hadas Golf Resort & Marina Manzanillo, Manzanillo, Colima México
Mexico/General timezone
The Mexican School of Particles and Fields (MSPF) is a biennial conference organized since 1982 by the Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society. It is designed to complement the education of advanced graduate students and young postdocs working in High Energy Physics from Mexico and abroad. This is the XVI edition of the MSPF.

The BCVSPIN Advanced School in Particle Physics and Cosmology was initiated in 1989, by Abdus Salam, Jogesh Pati, Yu Lu and Qaisar Shafi. The acronym BCVSPIN stands for Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India and Nepal. It is a school on high energy physics and cosmology aiming to give young scientists in Asian countries the opportunity to keep abreast with the newest developments in high energy physics and cosmology.

The Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy builds on the interface between astrophyiscs and high energy physics (experiment and theory) to advance our knowledge and understanding of the universe.

This year, aiming to establish connections between the Asian and American high energy physics communities we will have a joint school, BCVSPIN-MSPF. The school will be held in the Las Hadas Golf Resort & Marina Manzanillo, Manzanillo, Colima México. 


More information can be found at the website: fisica.ugto.mx/~jointschool2014/ .

Starts 8 Dec 2014 08:00
Ends 13 Dec 2014 20:00
Las Hadas Golf Resort & Marina Manzanillo, Manzanillo, Colima México
Av. Vista Hermosa s/n, Fracc. Península de Santiago Manzanillo, Colima, México, Código Postal: 28867 Tel.: +52(314) 331 0101 Fax.: +52 (314) 331 0121, email: lashadas@brisas.com.mx