5-13 November 2009
Mazatlán, México
Mexico/BajaSur timezone
Coffe break at Salon el Dorado for all sessions
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Mazatlán, México - Salon el Dorado

The pion form factor in an NJL model


  • Ms. Laura Xiomara GUTIERREZ GUERRERO


We have studied the electromagnetic pion form factor in an NJL model. For it we added the pseudo vector component in the description of the pion and implemented symmetry preserving regularization which ensures Axial vector Ward Takahashi Identity and Goldberger-Treiman relations are satisfied. Based upon this symmetry preserving description of the pion, we calculate its form factor and compare it with earlier theoretical and experimental results. For the large space-like momenta, we find it to behave as a constant in contradiction with the perturbative QCD prediction. We discuss the implications of our results.