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Detailed timetable
21-26 June 2021
León, Guanajuato
America/Mexico_City timezone
- sociedadmexicanasincrotron@gmail.com
Comité Organizador
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Poster Session
Location: León, Guanajuato
Room: Virtual
from 23 Jun 14:30 to 24 Jun 16:30
Timetable | Contribution List
Nowadays, sensing devices to monitor CO2 concentrations in human exhalation and the environment are essential to identify acceptable limits, including ventilation rates in workplaces in order to optimize the return to classrooms, laboratories and offices during the global coronavirus pandemic (SARS CoV‐2). In this study, we combined ZnO and MWCNTs to obtain a composite material and analyze their
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Presented by Dr. R. LOZANO-ROSAS
The present work proposes an effective methodology to remove arsenic (As) present in groundwater for human consumption. Column experiments carried out with limestones outcropping in a groundwater As-rich area were found to effectively remove As, and have been considered as a sustainable treatment option. The study is focused on the aquifers at Zimapán town, Hidalgo, México, where the As concentr
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Presented by Dr. Antonio Salvador SOSA ISLAS
The characterization of pellets of lignocellulosic residues from different crops of the Xichú, Gto. Different values of humidity were obtain like 4.58%±1%, eliminated organic material, remainder and total 45.36% ±4 %, 39.84% ±3% and 85.17% ±4.5% respectively, and inorganic material (ashes) 14.83% ±2%. These preliminary studies contribute to the possibility of the use of lignocellolosic insid
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Presented by Dr. Mayela Janeth ZAVALA SÁNCHEZ
This study focuses on the assessment of the VA materials from the Moungo zone of the Cameroon volcanic line (CVL) between the mount Cameroon volcano and Mount Koupé, for their use as natural adsorbent to remove Pb(II) pollutant from aqueous solutions. The chemical speciation of lead adsorbed onto volcanic ashes based by means of X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) study is reported.
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Presented by Dr. Bolie BLIXEN BANG
Bone is the second most implanted tissue only after blood, therefore the interest in developing new biomaterials that replace the functions of bone and cartilage are of great interest today. Hydroxyapatite, bioactive and piezoelectric ceramic, is the most common biomaterial used for bone tissue and it demonstrates that the incorporation of metallic oxides such as titanium oxide (TiO2), reflects an
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Presented by Dr. Ana Karen SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ
Management of industrial residues is a growing concern all around the world. In Mexico and specially in Sonora, mining is one of the most active and economically relevant industries, associated with environmental problems. Mine tailings contain potentially toxic elements (PTE), that are dispersed during long periods of time by erosion and weathering processes of the minerals they are in and suffer
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Presented by Dr. Arturo MORALES PÉREZ
The maximum entropy method in combination with the Rietveld refinement method applied to the analysis (Rietveld-MEM analysis) of high-resolution x-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) is an important tool to elucidate the electron density distribution and chemical bonding nature of materials. In this work, we present the comparison of electron density distribution obtained from the Rietveld-MEM analysis for p
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Presented by Dr. Guillermo HERRERA-PÉREZ
Abstract: In the last years, interest on renewables energies has increased and solar energy is one of most promising alternatives to get clean and worldwide available energy. Photovoltaic devices have been designed and applied to convert photons coming from Sun into electrons. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) are a good example because of its low-cost fabrication and good performance reaching ab
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Presented by Dr. Alfredo ROMERO CONTRERAS
To explain and understand the chemical origin of life, theories have been postulated for decades and some of them have gone from mere postulates to evidences that have contributed to science in this direction. Several research groups have developed study models elucidating which could have been the first forms of life; in this sense, calcium, strontium, or barium silica carbonates have been synthe
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Presented by Dr. Cesia PÉREZ-AGUILAR
The Sierra of Peña Blanca is found in the Aldama county region in the Chihuahua state, where most of the uranium natural deposits in Mexico are located. In the 1980s, mineral exploration was carried out with the molybdenum and uranium production by “Uranio de México (URAMEX)” company. However, in 1983, when the project was closed, the extracted and unprocessed ore was confined to rocky piles
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Presented by Dr. Carmen del Rocío CARAVEO-CASTRO
Arsenic (As) concentration of 98 µg L-1 was found in Xichu River waters, which exceed the limits established by the WHO and the Mexican normativity NOM-127. This concentration is a potential risk for the population. It is necessary the search of available technology to remove As form drinking water in the most affected regions (rural communities), due to socioeconomic situation which they are in
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Fourth-generation synchrotrons, such as ESRF – EBS (Extremely Brilliant Source) have a very high brilliance of 5x1022 photons / s / mm2 / mrad2 / 0.1% BW. This light is produced in pulses of very short duration, which allows experiments with high spatial, energetic and temporal resolutions. However, high brilliance produces huge beam intensities. This leads us to investigate whether the samples
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Presented by Dr. O. LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ
Naica´s ”Cueva de los Cristales” was discovered in 2000, and since then it has been considered particularly interesting for its beauty and for the challenges it poses to crystallography. This article focuses on the study of the wall-selenite interface by various techniques, particularly X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with emphasis on micro-X-ray fluorescence (
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Presented by Dr. María E. FUENTES-MONTERO
Para dar una caracterización cuantitativa de la textura cristalográfica (caso de simetría axial) mediante la difracción de rayos X y electrones, el grupo de cristalografía de CIMAV desarrolló un sistema de métodos y algoritmos. El procedimiento que siguen los algoritmos consiste en dos líneas: Tipo método de Rietveld y tipo método de Bunge. Los inspirados en el método de Rietveld son A
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Presented by Dr. Alejandro CAMPOS RODRÍGUEZ
For centuries, tuberculosis has been a worldwide burden for human health, and gaps in our understanding of its pathogenesis has hampered the development of new treatments. ESX-1 is a complex machinery responsible for the secretion of virulence factors that manipulate the host response. Despite the importance of these secreted proteins for pathogenicity, only a few of them have been structurally an
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Presented by Dr. Nuria SÁNCHEZ-PUIG
The current social challenges in energy storage have led to an increase in research to find new materials with improved characteristics to be used as anode in Li-ion batteries (LIBs) [1,2]. Silicon (Si) is one of the best candidates because of its high theoretical gravimetric capacity of 4200 mAhg-1, about ten times higher than that of graphite (372 mAhg-1). In addition, it is also the second most
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Presented by Dr. Erick ESPINOSA-VILLATORO
Human serum transferrin (Tf) is a ~80 kDa glycoprotein that transits the blood plasma, whose function is to transport iron from its absorption site towards every cell through the blood vessels. Its structure consists of two homologous lobes, an N-terminal lobe and a C-terminal lobe, which can each bind a metallic ion, mainly Fe3+, through a coordination bond with octahedral geometry1–3. This imp
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Presented by Dr. Camila CAMPOS-ESCAMILLA
Biomineral formation is a key process to understand the linkage between biological activity and sedimentary structures in the biosphere. Microbial systems have mediated the precipitation of carbonates in natural waters as early as ∼ 3,500 Ma ago (Krumbein 1983); and still today they are key participants in the formation of massive carbonate constructions in natural waters. Microscale has been a
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Presented by Dr. Patricia VALDESPINO
El diseño de aceleradores de partículas es un área de investigación muy activa en los últimos años. Dependiendo del fin de la máquina, ajustar la dinámica de las partículas en la estructura magnética puede representar un problema no trivial. Es bien sabido que el análisis de la geometría del espacio fase, así como su dependencia con los parámetros del hamiltoniano, resulta complicado
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Presented by Dr. E. SÁNCHEZ
In Chihuahua, an important source of environmental radioactivity is found in the Sierra Peña Blanca, in the center of the state. The site has about 70% of uranium reserves in Mexico. The uranium of Peña Blanca was exploited in the 80's. Due to the closure of operations, the extracted and unprocessed ore (hundreds of tons) was confined to rocky stacks, exposed to weathering. Subject to leaching,
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Presented by Dr. Victoria PÉREZ-REYES