2-11 October 2008
San Carlos, Sonora, México
America/Hermosillo timezone
- bamr@nucleares.unam.mx
San Carlos, Sonora, México
Room 3: Perla
SPolarization in exclusive pp reactions from the FNAL e690 experiment
It is an experimental evidence that all baryons are created polarized from unpolarized p-nucleus collisions. So far, the origin of this polarization remains unexplained in spite of the experimental evidences accumulated in the past thirty years. Up to these days, (( is the most studied baryon for polarization, for it is copiously produced in p-nucleus collisions at the energies of the principal high energy physics accelerators of the world. This speech is a overview of the experimental evidences accumulated on the polarization of (( from unpolarized exclusive pp collisions as function of xF, PT, and M((( K+) in the past fifteen years inside Fermilab e690 experiment, in the particular reactions [pic], [pic], [pic], produced at 800 GeV.