20-26 November 2016
Hotel Rincón del Arco, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas
Mexico/General timezone

The Mexican School of Particles and Fields (MSPF)  is organized every two years by the Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society. It is designed to complement the education of advanced graduate students and young postdocs working in High Energy Physics from Mexico and abroad. This year, the school will take place in the colonial city of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, 890 km South-East from Mexico City, from the 21st to the 26th of November.

The format of the school will consist of several courses devoted to advanced topics in elementary particle physics, thought from a modern perspective, to be delivered by well known specialists in different areas of high energy physics. The school will also include theoretical and experimental review seminars on the latest developments in the field. A poster session will be included too, aimed to allow the participants to show their research results, and to enhance the interaction of the students with the speakers. Please, check this webpage frecuently to be aware of changes.



Prof. Luciano Maiani (Universidad de Roma) 

  • The constituent quark model and hadron spectroscopy

Prof. Mark Thomson (University of Cambridge)

  • Experimental searches on neutrino physics

Prof. Kirill Prokofiev (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

  • The Higgs Boson, from discovery to precision measurements

Prof. Myriam Mondragon (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

  • The Standard Model and beyond

Prof. Joan Solá (Universidad de Barcelona)

  • Particle physics and cosmology

Prof. Eugenio Scapparone (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sez. Bologna)

  • Particle detectors for high energy experiments


Invited Talks:

Dr. Arely Cortes (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)

  • Dark matter searches at LHC

Prof. M. Elena Tejeda Yeomans (Universidad de Sonora)

  • The insightful struggle of a parton traversing the QGP

Prof. Daniel Tapia (University of Kansas)

  • Ultra-peripherical collisions at LHC

Dr. Srecko Morovic (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)

  • DAQ at the LHC in Run 2 and beyond

Prof. Alberto Güijosa (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

  • Holography: a useful application of string theory

Dr. Humberto Maury Cuna (Universidad de Guanajuato)

  • Mexican Particle Accelerator Community

Prof. Juan Antonio Garzón (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)

  • TRASGOS: a new way to explore the sky and the Earth

Prof. Henry Lubatti (University of Washington, Seattle)

  • Searching for new physics with displaced vertex signatures at the LHC

Prof. Jacobo Konigsberg (University of Florida)

  • The CMS level-1 track trigger for the high-luminosity LHC

Prof. Ignacio Bediaga (Centro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Brazil)

  • Experimental evidence of the existence of new dynamics producing asym-metric matter antimatter

Prof. Guy Paic (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

  • 30 years of heavy ion physics

Dr. Lizardo Valencia (Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas)

  • Heavy quark production highlights in the LHC Run I

Dr. Agustin Moyotl Acuahuitl (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados)

  • Higgs physics at one loop level

Prof. Kam-Biu Luk (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

  • Exploration of neutrino oscillation with nuclear reactors

Dr. Vladimir Rekovic (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)

  • Triggering in High Energy Physics Experiments at the LHC

Prof. Francisco S. Guzman (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo)

  • The Gravitational Wave Astronomy from the perspective of Numerical Relativity and Numerical Methods

Dr. Juan Barranco (Universidad de Guanajuato)

  • The nature of the Neutrino


Registration fee:

Registration is closed.

The fees for attending the XVII MSPF are:

  • Students: 200 USD
  • Postdocs and professors: 300 USD

Payments in MXN
Name: Sociedad Mexicana de Fsica, A.C.
Bank name: BANAMEX (Suc.: 349)
Account number: 1866151
CLABE: 002180034918661519
Reference: MSPF2016

Payments in USD
Name: Sociedad Mexicana de Fsica, A.C.
Bank name: BANAMEX (Branch no.: 349)
Account number: 002180034993453470
Reference: MSPF2016

Extra costs

  • Students:
    $730 MXN. price per night accommodation with breakfast, lunch and coffee break (room will be shared)

         valid rate for the hotel Don Quijote 

  • Professors:
    $1,030 MXN. price per night accommodation with breakfast, lunch and coffee break

         valid rate for the hotel Rincón del Arco 

  • Costs for the event dinner:
     $570 MXN.

       the participants will cover your own of the dinner

  • Rate Omnibús Cristóbal Colón  
    transport airport-San Cristobal: $218 MXN rate per people


          8:30 hours, 9:00 hours, 10:00 hours, 13:00 hours, 15:15 hours, 16:00 hours, 

       19:00 hours and 20:30 hours.

  • Rate taxis azules 

       800 MXN. transport airport-San Cristobal

note: you will cover your daily dinners and sightseeing tour

Conference venue

Hotel Rincón del Arco. Ejercito Nacional 66, Barrio del Cerillo, 29220 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México.

Web site: http://www.rincondelarco.com/ 



San Cristobal de las Casas is located 890 km south-east Mexico City. It can be reached by car (https://goo.gl/maps/FJedeD38FLS2) or bus.


Scientific Committee:

Dr. Alexis Aguilar Arévalo (ICN-UNAM)

Dr. Alfredo Aranda (Univ. de Colima)

Dra. Karen S. Caballero Mora (FCFM-UNACH/MCTP)

Dr. Salvador Carrillo Moreno (Univ. Iberoamericana)

Dr. Eduard de la Cruz Burelo (CINVESTAV)

Dr. David Delepine (Univ. de Guanajuato)

Dr. Lorenzo Díaz Cruz (FCFM-BUAP)

Dr. Arturo Fernández Tellez (FCFM-BUAP)

Dr. Ricardo Gaitán (FES-Cuautitlán, UNAM)

Dra. Mariana Kirchbach (IF-UASLP)

Dr. Ildefonso León Monzón (FCFM-UAS)

Dr. Roberto Noriega Papaqui (UAEH)

Dr. Saúl Ramos Sánchez (IF-UNAM)

Dra. Maria Elena Tejeda Yeomans (Depto. de Física, UNISON)

Organizing Committee:

Dra. Irais Bautista Guzmán (CONACyT/FCFM-BUAP)

Dra. Karen S. Caballero Mora (FCFM-UNACH/MCTP)

Dr. Eduard de la Cruz Burelo (Co-chair, CINVESTAV)

Dr. Arturo Fernández Tellez (Chair, FCFM-BUAP)

Dr. Mario Iván Martínez Hernández (FCFM-BUAP)

Dr. Mario Rodríguez Cahuantzi (FCFM-BUAP)

Dr. Guillermo Tejeda Muñoz (FCFM-BUAP)

Dr. Lizardo Valencia Palomo (FCFM-UNACH)

Dr. Arnulfo Zepeda (Co-chair, CINVESTAV/MCTP)



School Dinner

Address: Camino a Chamula Km. 3.5, Barrio La Quinta San Martin, 29247 San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México.

Map: https://goo.gl/NmyvDH


Download Poster

Starts 20 Nov 2016 18:00
Ends 26 Nov 2016 20:00
Hotel Rincón del Arco, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas
Sala de juntas
Calle Ejercito Nacional No. 66 Barrio del Cerrillo, C.P. 29220 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas.