Altas Energías

Phenomenology of Disformal Scalar Particles: Branon Dark Matter

by Dr. Jose Cembranos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Monday, 17 August 2015 from to (Mexico/General)
at IF-UNAM ( Sala Sandoval Vallarta )
Scalar particles coupled to the Standard Model fields through a disformal coupling
arise in different theories, such as massive gravity or brane world models. These
disformal scalar degrees of freedom have been postulated as dark mater and dark
energy candidates. We will review the main phenomenology associated with such a scenario.
Distinctive disformal signatures could be measured at colliders and with astrophysical observations.
We will pay particular attention to the branon case. In brane-world models with low tension,
these particles constitute the only relevant new degrees of freedom at low energies.
Branon fields are in general massive, weakly interacting, and stable depending on the
symmetries of the bulk space. Therefore, they may explain the universe missing mass problem. 
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